In this site you can see other site by link, or play some games!!!!!!!!
Also, there are comments from director. Seeing this site you can see how American and Japanese have different eating habits. I thought again that America is the most obesity country.
Interested in obesity
Today there are many fastfood which leads us to obesity. However, we cannot help ourself stop eating because fastfoods are convinient, cheap, and delicious!!!!!!!!!!!!!But we need to understand that those things are not good for our health. Busy people are increasing these days, so they don't cook by themselves and start using fastfood, I don't think that's not good life style.
To think about our health seriously I want to search more about obesity and make our eating habits better.
Causes of Obesity

Obesity, however, has many causes. The reasons for the imbalance between calorie intake and consumption vary by individual. Your age, sex, and genes, psychological makeup, and environmental factors all may contribute.
- Genes: Obesity tends to run in families. This is caused both by genes and by shared diet and lifestyle habits. Having obese relatives does not guarantee that you will be obese.
- Emotions: Some people overeat because of depression, hopelessness, anger, boredom, and many other reasons that have nothing to do with hunger. This doesn't mean that overweight and obese people have more emotional problems than other people. It just means that their feelings influence their eating habits, causing them to overeat. In some unusual cases, obesity may be used as a defense mechanism because of the perceived social pressures related to being more physically desirable, particularly in young girls. In these cases, as with the other emotional causes, psychological intervention may be helpful.
- Environmental factors: The most important environmental factor is lifestyle. Your eating habits and activity level are partly learned from the people around you. Overeating and sedentary habits (inactivity) are the most important risk factors for obesity.
- Sex: Men have more muscle than women, on average. Because muscle burns more calories than other types of tissue, men use more calories than women, even at rest. Thus, women are more likely than men to gain weight with the same calorie intake.
- Age: People tend to lose muscle and gain fat as they age. Their metabolism also slows somewhat. Both of these lower their calorie requirements.
- Pregnancy: Women tend to weigh an average of 4-6 pounds more after a pregnancy than they did before the pregnancy. This can compound with each pregnancy. This weight gain may contribute to obesity in women.
"Obesity Causes." emedicinehealth. 12/30/2005. Emergency
Care + Consumer Health. 23 May 2007
--The reason I chose this topic--

Recently, many people are becoming obesity from what types of food they eat. Fast foods are getting really convenient right now, and it is really cheap. Therefore, people choose to eat high caloried food as snacks and eat something else for meals.
Since fast foods such as hamburgers and nuggets are relatively cheap and is convenient, I started to wonder why eating these can lead to obesity, and what kind of ingredients these types of foods include.
BMI Let's Calculate♪♪♪
※Adults= 20 years old and older
☆BMI ranges for adults☆
Below 18.5 → Underweight
25.0 – 29.9 → Overweight

What is Obesity??
Obesity is a term used to describe body weight that is much greater than what is considered healthy. There are many ways to determine if a person is obese, but experts believe that a body mass index (BMI) is the most accurate measurement of body fat for children and adults.
Adults with a BMI greater than 30 are considered obese. Adults with a BMI between 25 and 29.9 are considered overweight. There are exceptions. For example, an athlete may have a higher BMI but not be overweight.
Nearly two-thirds of the United States population is overweight. Anyone more than 100 pounds overweight is considered morbidly obese.
Some facts that you might not know...
However, there are some things that we aren't aware of.
These are some facts about obesity that you might not know...
Did you know that::
1. A group of overweight Americans have sued several US fast food restaurants and accused them of serving food that causes obesity?
2. Fast food companies such as Mc Donald's and Burger King are currently participating in a campaign that tells young Americans to eat healthier diet?
(According to BBC News from July 25, 2002)
3. Between 1980 and 2000, obesity rates doubled for adults. About the 30% of the adults in the United States are obese.
4. Only about 25% of U.S. adults eat the recommended five or more servings of fruits and vegetables each day.
(According to Centers for Disease Control website)
However, to prevent people from becoming obese, there are few good facts too!!
Did you know these facts too?::
1. Some companies no longer sell sweets and soft drinks to primary schools.
2. Some of the larger food companies are funding healthy eating and exercise promotional campaigns, through books, pamphlets and websites
3. The food industry is currently labelling foods with the levels of protein, fat, carbohydrate, sugar, salt and energy content per serve and per 100 grams of food - which is required by the law.
(According to Health Matter the Pulse)
However, we have to keep on telling people about these facts in order to keep them aware of how unhealthy eating habits can cause obesity. ^^

Obesity is currently a worldwide problem. We all have and need fat tissue in our bodies but if you have too much body fat, the result is obesity. Obesity is not a sign of a person being out of control. It is the second leading cause of preventable death after smoking. It is a serious medical disease that affects over about one-third of the adults (approximately 60 million) in the United States, and about 14% of children and adolescents. The number of overweight and obese Americans has continued to increase since 1960, a trend that is not slowing down. Today, 64.5% of adult Americans (about 127 million) are categorized as being overweight or obese. Each year, obesity causes at least 300,000 excess deaths in the U.S.A, and healthcare costs of American adults with obesity amount to approximately $100 billion.
☆Reason why I chose this topic☆
I chose this topic, " Obesity" because I thought it is the most interesting one!! Also I'm strongly against obesity. That is why I like to learn about healthy life and I thoght this topic will help me.
For this project I will like to search about obesity completely. Also I'm kind of interested to know difference between obesity and metabolic syndrome.
I think recent society made people to eat a lot because they have lots of stress. By consuming more calories than we ough, those over calorie will become fat in our body. It is very hard to drop your weight after you gain.