The reason why I chose this topic, is that while I was looking at news reports from different online newspaper articles, I came across to many articles that mentioned about obesity.
Recently, many people are becoming obesity from what types of food they eat. Fast foods are getting really convenient right now, and it is really cheap. Therefore, people choose to eat high caloried food as snacks and eat something else for meals.
Since fast foods such as hamburgers and nuggets are relatively cheap and is convenient, I started to wonder why eating these can lead to obesity, and what kind of ingredients these types of foods include.
Recently, many people are becoming obesity from what types of food they eat. Fast foods are getting really convenient right now, and it is really cheap. Therefore, people choose to eat high caloried food as snacks and eat something else for meals.
Since fast foods such as hamburgers and nuggets are relatively cheap and is convenient, I started to wonder why eating these can lead to obesity, and what kind of ingredients these types of foods include.
1 ummæli:
Hey miho!
Great topic^^ I think I'm the one who need to read this topic seriously!
It is so frightening that anything leads to death! Becoming over-weight leads to death, becoming thin leads to death, being normal and healthy is the best thing, isnt't it? Is obesity popular mainly in the foreign countries? I don't see many over-weighted people in our country lately.
Why do people eat so much?
Are they stressed? Is the food in their country too delivious??
I want to know more about it^^
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