
BMI   Let's Calculate♪♪♪

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a number calculated from a person’s weight and height. From BMI number, you could know if you are overweight or not. BMI is calculated by dividing a person's body weight in kilograms by their height in meters squared (weight [kg] height [m]2) or by using the conversion with pounds (lbs) and inches (in) squared as shown below. This number can be misleading for very muscular people and pregnant women or lactating women.

☆Calculating BMI for Adult☆

※Adults= 20 years old and older

[Weight (lbs) ÷ height (in)2 ] x 704.5 =BMI

1 pound≒453.6g    1 inch= 2.54cm

☆BMI ranges for adults☆

  BMI          Weight Status
     Below 18.5     → Underweight

 18.5 – 24.9     → Normal
    25.0 – 29.9     → Overweight

30.0 and Above  → Obese

4 ummæli:

mariayaremi sagði...

Yes, I noticed that.
When I was in high school, vending-machines that sell soda and candy had to go and was no longer sold.

aya naraoka sagði...

It's very intereting topic!
I have calculated it before, and I think I was in safe zone.
Recently, more and more people are worrying about their weight.
Since our topic is eating disorder, I am also interested in this topic!

sayaka sagði...

I have tried this before, too.
I was worried if I was ... you know, but I was in safe zone. I felt relieved.
Japanese food is thought to be very healthy and people all over the world are beginning to have it these days. But Japanese people tend to prefer western things like fast food.
Let's just love Japanese food again!!

Nafnlaus sagði...

The FTO gene has been linked to obesity and BMI, in several large-scale studies. As per a report submitted by British scientists last year more than half the people of European descent have one or two copies of a variation of this gene. Individuals with two copies of the gene variant are on average 7 pounds heavier and 67 percent more likely to be obese than those who don't have it. http://www.phentermine-effects.com