Childhood obesity
Childhood obesity has increased about 20% today.
This is because children now-a-days are usually spending time in front of television, computer, or playing video games. And not only from this, but children are also into high fat and sugar meals and snacks.
"A recent study reported that two-to-six-year-olds who watch television are more likely to choose food products advertised on TV than children who do not watch such commercials(http://life.familyeducation.com)." There should be less advertising on fast foods on television in order to keep the obesity percentage low.
It is pretty hard to start changing what children eat. And there are times that you want to grab some fast food in between school and on the way home. In that case, there are few ways to start reducing fat even from eating fast food.
These are some friendlier way to eat fast food meals:
"1.Pass on the “value-size.” When you supersize, the size of your fries isn’t the only thing that gets bigger.
2.Skip the sides. Eating a burger or sandwich by itself is often filling enough. If you do want a side, consider ordering a fruit cup or side salad. Most fast food restaurants now offer them.
3.Avoid double meat and bacon. A serving size of meat is 2-3 ounces — about the size of a deck of cards. You’re probably getting well over that with a single meat patty. Bacon is high in calories and fat with little nutrient content.
4.Try the grilled chicken sandwich. Poultry without skin is significantly leaner than the meats most fast-food companies use in their burgers.
5.Eat your sandwich open-faced. By eating only half the bun, you can eliminate unnecessary calories.
6.Try asking for a wheat bun. Some places offer a wheat alternative, some don’t. It never hurts to ask.
7.Skip the mayo and other calorie-laden dressings and sauces.
8.Drink water, diet soda or low-fat milk. Sodas are loaded with sugars, which have calories you don’t need(http://www.americanheart.org)."
image from: http://images.inmagine.com
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This is really informative!
Thanks for posting how to eat fastfood in a healthy way☆
I'm interested in this topic.
I didn't know that the number of childhood obesity was growing like this. I think childhood obesity leads to articular problems or serious disease such as diabetes. If the number of childhood obesity continue increasing, the average life span of Japan is going to shorten inevitably. It is very sad because Japan is famous as a nation of long-lived people. If possible, I don't want to change this Japanese characteristic.
In order to prevent childhood obesity, I'm sure that friendlier ways to eat fast food meals which you posted work effectively. I want more children and their parents to know these ways, and improve their eating habits.
I think the big proglem is they sell fast food at school canteen.
School should consider about healthy food.
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